“Conversations from the Womb: Communicating with Your Baby During Pregnancy and Before Conception”

Authored by Penny D Chang  

Conversations from the Womb teaches potential mothers and father to communicate with their babies during pregnancy and before conception, whether they are birth parents or waiting for a child through adoption or a surrogate mother. With pre- and perinatal psychologists reporting that the most important time for human development–physical, mental and emotional–is the nine months in the womb, this book teaches parents step-by-step how to support and dialogue with their preborn children. This book actually encourages parents to listen for a response from the child to be born, yielding information about that child’s unique character and life mission. For parents trying to conceive, the energy baby waiting to incarnate can offer valuable information. This book also provides encouragement to new mothers grappling with issues and fears related to motherhood, pregnancy, and delivery, and support for mothers who want to dialogue with a baby they have lost. The author believes that, 100 years from now, daily conversations between mothers and their children waiting to be born will be the norm. Here is your chance to create that future.

About the author:

Penny D. Chang is an energy healing practitioner with local and distance clients in the U.S., Europe and Australia. She graduated from Bryn Mawr College magna cum laude with honors in history in 1985 and from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing as a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner in 2001. Chang offers private sessions in energy healing, Healing Movement and Mother- Baby Bonding Before Birth. She is also a dancer and choreographer of modern dance and dance improvisation. In 2012 she became a Certified Movement Analyst (CMA) through the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies Modular Program at the University of Maryland.