REMOTE SESSIONS FOR Clearing and Energizing Your Space

"Thank you so much, I am so happy to hear those little squeaks when my son sleeps again. You have really brought peace of mind to our house.”

— A.R.

Live, work and thrive in an energetically clear space

House Clearings and Blessings purify your home, office, or land of negative energies or beings, heighten the vibration in your living space, and create a clean, clear, sacred space for your continued growth and well-being.

Buildings or land often contain lost entities that need to find their way back to the Light and may create energetic disruption in the environment until they are released. Young children and sometimes adults can sense their presence, and may be unable to sleep well or sleep at all in a specific room for example. Your home or space may also have inherited disharmonious energies from previous occupants, and the energy may feel disruptive or unsettling.

A House Clearings and Blessings will create a blank slate and sacred space of harmony, peace and light—a little bit like a dirty plate comes sparkling clean after going through a dishwasher. These distance sessions will also clear and bless your home after you yourself have experienced a shift that requires a fresh energy in your home, ushering in light and balance to give you a new sense of peace. They are also recommended when you move in a new space, or when you are looking to sell your house.

Please note that this process has nothing to do with using sage or incense to attempt to clear a space. Serge will work on your house or office at the energetic level, which allows him to clear your space at distance.

House Clearings and Blessings are done at distance / remotely anywhere in the world

An example of a House Clearing and Blessing done remotely

A two and half year old boy, Billy (name was changed), has had night terrors since he was six months old. The family tried everything, including seeing doctors, but nothing changed. I did a distance session to clear and bless the house, as well as removed and released a lost soul who was onsite. Here is what the family said after the Blessing (shared with permission):

“When Billy came back home after spending time with his dad, he came into the house and almost immediately said he didn’t want to go upstairs because of the monster. My heart sank, and I had resigned myself that the blessing hadn’t worked. Billy played for a while, and went over to the stairs a few times here and there looking up with curiosity. Although he was obviously pondering something, I didn’t say anything or ask what he was looking for. About 30 minutes after we got home, he gasped and looked at me and said “Mommy! I remember!” (this is a new favorite phrase of his) “I not scared of the monster anymore!'”

I must admit, I teared up and grabbed him in a huge hug and said I was so happy to hear that.

When we did end up going upstairs, he walked around a bit and then came to me and said “Mommy! No the monster!” I said “The monster is gone?” and he said “The monster is gone!” He seemed so delighted. That night, when he slept, he made little happy squeaking sounds. He hasn’t made those sounds while sleeping since he was a newborn, before the nightmares started. He has also played a few times in his closet, where before he wouldn’t even go near it.

Thank you so much, I am so happy to hear those little squeaks when my son sleeps again. You have really brought peace of mind to our house.”

“The good news has kept coming with Billy, he has said in the last couple weeks: “Mommy, I no scared anymore” and even better, “Mommy, I love this bed” and even “Mommy, I love this house.”

Safe to say, your blessing was a smashing success and my sweet sensitive boy is finally feeling safe in his home!

Thanks again!!”

“I have noticed a change in the general atmosphere of the house. It seems lighter and airier. I also don’t feel like I’m being watched anymore, which I have felt off and on for the ten years I’ve lived here. Benefits for babe & mom!”

— A.R. 


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Brennan Healing Science® & The Barbara Brennan School of Healing

A certified Brennan Healing Science® Practitioner, Serge trained for four years at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, from which he graduated in 2001. Developed by Dr. Barbara Brennan over 35 years, Brennan Healing Science® is a holistic healing modality based on the Human Energy-Consciousness System and its relationship to health and disease. The Barbara Brennan School of Healing was founded in 1982 by Dr. Brennan, former NASA physicist, and the best-selling author of Hands of Light, Light Emerging and Core Light Healing.

Somatic Experiencing® & Somatic Experiencing® International

A certified Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, Serge trained in trauma work for three years at the Somatic Experiencing® International institute, from which he graduated in 2023. Somatic Experiencing® is a naturalistic and neurobiological approach to healing trauma developed over the past 50 years by Dr. Peter A. Levine. Dr. Levine is the author of several best-selling books, including Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma and In an Unspoken Voice, How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness.

Disclaimer: While the Healing Heart Space, LLC’s healings, sessions and services contribute to wellness, they are not intended to replace medical or mental health diagnosis and treatment by a physician, psychotherapist or mental health professional. It is highly recommended that you consult your physician or mental health professional regarding any illness or symptoms you may have. We do not diagnose illnesses, nor do we recommend diets, medical treatments or supplements.